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Arabica Coffee

Thursday, 26/12/2019, 13:46 GMT+7
  • Zalo

1/ What is Arabica Coffee? 

Arabica coffee, or the scientific name Coffea Arabica, is better known as Arabian coffee or "mountain grown" coffee. It has a caffeine content of 1-2% lower than the caffeine content of Robusta.

Arabica coffee has 2 types: Moka coffee and Catimor coffee, which has a better aroma. It is longer beans and bigger Robusta beans. This coffee is very popular with foreigners, especially Western countries.

2/ Characteristics of Arabica Coffee

Arabica coffee is planted in high mountains and thrived at elevations of 1200m to 2200m, temperatures of 15 to 24 degrees C. The tree has small crowns, dark green leaves, height about 1.5, to 4.5m, giving fruits after 3 up to 4 years and until the age of 25 can be removed because there is no economic value.

3/Characteristics of Arabica coffee flavour 

Arabica coffee has bitterness, characteristic sour taste, sweet aroma of fruit mixed with honey, just like the bread flavour. This coffee is high acidity. It is lower in caffeine content than Robusta (about 1.5%) so it is not too bitter. Besides, Arabica coffee has a large sugar content and up to 60% fat, has a sour taste so it is popular with most people, suitable for the taste of many people.

The aromatic, elegant aroma, blended with the soft bitterness, sourness, mild sweetness creates the unique flavour Arabica coffee, making many people fascinated, becoming the most favourite coffee in the world